casino gift set

Casino Gift Set


Solid chocolate pieces in shapes of a slot machine, dice, playing cards, roulette wheel and 4 foiled chocolate “chips”. 7 ounces.

Makes a wonderful 21st birthday gift.

Foiled chip dollar amounts vary.

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SKU: casino gift set
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Trying to buy for the person that loves Vegas and or Atlantic City, this is the perfect gift for them! Seven ounces of solid chocolate. Shapes include a roulette wheel, cards, dice and a slot machine. Also includes 4 solid milk chocolate foiled chips. The chip values vary. We also put an m & m on the roulette wheel to serve as the ball. Every detail is covered in this wonderful gift box. All pieces are homemade. This is available in milk chocolate. Give at birthdays, holidays or just because. A great 21st birthday gift.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Milk Chocolate